Can Solar Panels work in winter? The answer might surprise you!

It’s natural to question whether solar panels are right for your home. Many homeowners contemplating upgrading to solar energy wonder whether these panels will even work in winter or on cloudy days.

The good news is that they absolutely do – and we’ll show you why!

It is true that solar panels draw their energy from the sun, but that does not mean they only work on sunny afternoons or long summer days. They work 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and even on cloudy mornings.


How do they work?

In other words, solar panels convert daylight, not sunlight or heat, into electricity through semi-conducting substances, typically silicon. When the light hits, electrons go moving, generating electricity. Basically, that means Solar PV panels will generate electricity during the day, but not at night -but this isn’t a problem if you have a battery; read on.

As the panels rely on sunlight, the best amount of sun will occur around noon time on a sunny day when the sky is clear. But even grey low-light of a gloomy winter afternoon has enough energy to power lights.

Solar PV

Do cloudy days impact efficiency

Despite the weaker light on cloudy days, modern solar panels still work well in cloudy weather. This makes sense – the sun hasn’t suddenly stopped working because of some clouds.

By washing away dust and dirt from solar panels, rain can even improve their efficiency.


How does winter effect solar power?

In the winter, solar panels tend to produce less energy because of the lower temperatures. However, solar panels can be used all year round, come rain or shine, or even hail and light snow. The cold weather allows solar panels to work more efficiently than when it is hot. Cold weather results in shorter days, which means there will be fewer hours of daylight, and the sun will be lower in the sky.

If it snows, don’t worry – Solar Panels can’t make electricity if they are covered in snow. However, in UK temperatures, snow will usually slide off correctly mounted panels or melt.

But here is a fantastic article with top tips for winter maintenance for your solar panels- ‘click here.’


How much power is produced?

How much energy solar PV system produces varies, depending on factors like the size, angle and direction of the roof as well as weather patterns across the seasons.


One 12-panel solar system can produce enough electricity in one year to power a Tesla Model 3 for 17,660 miles, an A++ dishwasher for 4,465 loads or a utility bill for about £534 a year.

Professionals install solar panels in many homes and will find the perfect system based on patterns of electricity use and the building’s design.


Why should I get a battery storage system?

Solar panels generate less electricity at times of the year when there is less daylight, so adding a solar battery system will help you overcome this problem. It is possible to replace a battery even if you already have a panels.

You can store unused electricity for later use, allowing you to power your home after dark or charge an electric vehicle overnight for your morning commute.


Don’t let just anyone install your Solar Panels

Switched On install reliable and resistant units. These have been designed to offer the same level of resistance and longevity as other roof coverings.

Installing a Solar PV system on the roof is an easy and fast way to generate electricity. This can be done without compromising the integrity or security of the current roof. In fact, installing it this way will ensure that there are no problems during installation.

‘Get in touch’– we’re here to help!

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